Technical Advisory Committee

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) provides ongoing technical advice to the
Indigenous Centre for Cumulative Effects.

photo of alexandra bridges, icce technical advisor

Alexandra Bridges

Technical Advisory Committee Co-Chair
photo of pepita mckee, icce technical advisor

Pepita Elena McKee

Technical Advisory Committee Co-Chair
photo of icce director and technical advisor earl belcourt

Earl Belcourt IPC, CMS

ICCE Board Member - Board/TAC Liaison
photo of mark cliffe-phillips, icce technical advisor

Mark Cliffe-Phillips

Technical Advisory Committee - Board/TAC Liaison
photo of nivi rosing, icce technical advisor

Nivi Rosing

Technical Advisory Committee - Youth Member
photo of michelle francis-denny, icce technical advisor

Michelle Francis-Denny

Technical Advisory Committee Member
photo of barry wilson, icce technical advisor

Barry J Wilson RPF

Technical Advisory Committee Member
photo of dawn hoogeveen, icce technical advisor

Dawn Hoogeveen

Technical Advisory Committee Member
photo of scenic landscape with mountains in background

Matt Chiasson

Technical Advisory Committee Member
photo of carol crowe, member of the icce technical advisor team

Carol Crowe

Technical Advisory Committee Member
A Two-Eyed Seeing Perspective

The ICCE Technical Advisory Committee operates under the principle of Two Eyed Seeing. It is a diverse group of Indigenous and non-Indigenous scientific and technical practitioners and knowledge holders supporting Indigenous cumulative effects work. Impactful and diverse fields of experience give the TAC a set of unique perspectives to support cumulative thinking.

The combined knowledge of the members of the Technical Advisory Committee, includes:

  • Culture: Indigenous lived-experience, language, teachings and land-based learning
  • Legal: Traditional Indigenous legal systems, regulations, permitting and Indigenous-led law
  • Research: Intersectional qualitative and quantitative Indigenous methods
  • Governance: Indigenous-led engagement, protocols and community-driven leadership
  • Systems and Processes: Data systems, documentation methods and stressors
  • Assessment, Monitoring and Management: Design, implementation, working knowledge and training
  • Diversity: Understanding diversity and inclusivity by generation, background and gender
TAC and Cumulative Effects

The purpose of the TAC is to advise ICCE in supporting First Nations, Inuit and Metis communities from a Two-Eyed Seeing perspective on their journey of understanding, enhancing and collaborating on Indigenous community-led cumulative effects work.

photo of bisson sculpture standing in snow covered field of grain

Capacity Building

We are building capacity within ICCE and within our communities using the Two-Eyed Seeing approach.

photo of a group of people standing in a traditional indigenous round house

Nurturing Connections

We are nurturing connections between Indigenous communities and organizations to facilitate the sharing of expertise.

photo of icce joint board and technical advisory committee meeting

Knowledge Sharing

We are sharing knowledge by identifying gaps and solutions, and applying a community centered approach to learning.

Join the Technical Advisory Committee

Applications are now being accepted for the ICCE Technical Advisory Committee.